Because I love a good buffet and am a little bit ADHD (okay, a lot) expect a bit of everything from this blog, that includes:
What You’ll Find in this Blog

- Self-esteem and self-worth
- Productivity habits
- How to work for yourself
- Branding & Digital Marketing
- Plant-based cooking
- Wellness Info
- Fun fashion if you’re over 40
- Female Entrepreneur Solutions
- Home Style, Remodeling and Renovations
- Quirky Stuff and Little Surprises Worth Discovering
Buckle up for that content smorgasbord!
What’s My Story? Here’s the abbreviated version…

Growing up, I didn’t really have the typical childhood. I wasn’t allowed to go outside, play with other kids or do all those normal things that probably feel like boring stuff to most people.
So, in many ways, I still feel like I’m experiencing things for the first time, with fresh eyes.
This, I’ve learned, has led to me needing to learn A LOT about life and do some catch up on the basics that probably lots of people take for granted.
That’s a long-ass way of saying, I’m still trying to figure out most things.
I still struggle with anxiety, self-esteem, paralyzing shyness, ADHD and procrastination. Heck this blog has been swirling around in my head for the last two years! If I can get this site launched, I promise you that you can do whatever wild, too-big-to-believe ambition you’ve got floating around in your own head. So take this as your sign to just go for it.
I started out writing over 20 years ago. My kids were babies and I needed a way to earn some money while not letting my brain turn to a mush of sleep deprivation and parenting books. That slowly morphed into a full-time career, first as a contributing writer, then editor, publisher and editor-in-chief. I left a nice cushy corporate VP job on a whim during a conference call (you shoulda heard the silence on that line — PIN DROP!) and launched a wedding magazine at the very worst time — right before the pandemic.
That led me to a wild moment. Despite all my career ladder climbing, suddenly I was right back where I started — a writer doing one-off assignments, supporting a family on a couple of cents per word (if I was lucky). I’ve learned a lot along the way, but am still trying to figure a whole lot more out.
I hope that everything I write about is useful, helpful, or just entertaining. I hope I can highlight people and things that bring more good to the world. And I hope you learn something that you were seeking, whether that’s about finding your worth, breaking bad relationship habits or just finding out about something cool you never heard of before. I love trying new things and will always do my best to give my authentic take, and resist the urge to just make everything look like a perfectly polished portrait. I’m wearing the same PJs I’ve slept in for three nights now, how fancy could I try to be?