Forget Resolutions—Here’s How to Actually Enjoy January
We’re all just trying to get through January. Recently I stumbled on a Medium article ranting about the illogical nature of “New Year’s Resolutions.” It railed against the idea that we attempt to tackle some of the hardest changes and most difficult self-improvement tasks at the worst possible time of year.
January is a hard month. For many of us, it’s cold and inhospitable outside, making us hunker down into our individual caves of isolation. If you’re living in the Northern Hemisphere, the lack of daylight does a real number on many of us from a mental health perspective. We wake up in darkness and before you know it, it’s 4pm and feels like bedtime.
But maybe there’s another way to look at January, particularly if you think of the seasonal cycle that brought us to this point in the year.
When the first feelings of coolness set in, it’s September and for many of us, the focus is on getting kids ready for the school year. Labor Day signals the official end of summer and if you live in a seasonal climate, it’s time to start prepping your place for winter. The month is a sea of school supplies, signing papers and spending evenings in extra meetings.
October is all about making the most of the Halloween season, full of decorating for the neighborhood, getting in as many pumpkin patch and apple picking visits as possible before stocking up and giving out candy and scares.
Then comes the prep for Thanksgiving in November and a speed run into a season full of family gatherings, gift shopping and more decorating. December seems to always be too short for all the social obligations we have to meet.
So January can feel like one big exhale. And that’s what makes it so delightful. (Especially if you’re an introvert, like me!)
January means No HOLIDAYS!!!
Think about it. January is usually too cold for most events.
People expect you to be staying inside.
There’s no FOMO like in the summer of all the fun you’re supposed to be experiencing.
Winter has way lower expectations — people expect to be bored and suffering from seasonal affective disorder, which makes it a wonderful time to check back in with yourself and take extra “me” moments that don’t have anything to do with anyone else.
10 Antidotes for the Winter Blues: Ways to Recharge and Reconnect with Yourself This January
Although it might just be an artificial concept, the new year does give us a feeling of a mental reset. But rather than setting up a whole bunch of rules and resolutions that we’ll all forget by February 1st, how about using that new year refresh as a launching off point for a month focused on you and your needs not demands on yourself. Below are ten activities I’ve found helpful in reconnecting with myself and where I want to be. Maybe you’ll find one of them useful or maybe you’ll find your own way to take advantage of this time. After all, February is just around the corner and before you know it preparations for spring will be underway and we’ll all start this glorious cycle again!
- Check in with your values, actions and goals
Our priorities change and evolve in life. Things that you once were passionate about may not serve you anymore. Or maybe you’ve subconsciously developed an interest in something new while still carrying on with the old activities, just phoning things in. Taking some time to recalibrate your internal compass is something I wish I did more frequently. Asking ourselves what we care most about, what we genuinely want to connect to, and dedicate our time to is time well spent.
- Do a weekly routine audit
I audit websites for a living and many people put in a lot of effort into making sure sites run right. But it struck me, how little self auditing I do in my own life. What’s working for you? And what’s not? How can you put in the systems and the changes to make your daily life look more like you want it to be.
- Create and revise your vision board
Five years ago my vision board would’ve featured photos of a ginormous engagement diamond, a couple YSL bags, and a new luxury car. Today, it’s filled more with farm animals, travel, and vacations with the family. Sure, I’m still keeping the hot tub and the sun-filled library room on my board, but priorities have certainly changed. Here’s a fun way to visually express yourself and your goals for the future. There’s even science to back up the power of making this collage which can tap into your subconscious and affect your decision-making and mindset.
- Choose a new winter hobby to enjoy
Winter is the perfect excuse to dive into something cozy and introspective. Always wanted to write that novel? Start with a journal or some poetry—you don’t have to be the next Emily Dickinson to let your thoughts flow. Try knitting, painting, or even baking something warm and decadent. These quieter, creative hobbies are perfect for snowy afternoons, and who knows—you might just find your new favorite pastime. But above all else, set your expectations low and enjoy the moment of just learning something new. This doesn’t have to result in finding a new side hustle or even a lifelong pursuit. Giving yourself the grace to try something new (even if you’re terrible at it!) will make the novelty of the pursuit all the more fun.
- Reconnect with a few people you enjoy
You know those friends who “fill up your cup” and make you feel rejuvenated in their presence? Those are the people you want to prioritize catching up with this month. Skip the draining, obligatory relationships and aim for the supportive people that feel like a breath of fresh air – the ones that make you laugh, make you feel good about yourself and make the world less lonely. We’re all in need of more in-person communication, so make the effort to get out together or cozy up inside for a potluck dinner or just playing a board game together.
- Do 3 things you’ve been putting off
For me that was making my annual gyno appointment (which I learned upon making that it had been two years, not one, since my last visit). My how the time flies. I also finally decided to tackle the attic and all my fall Amazon Vine product reviews I’d been putting off. It’s weird how simple stuff that takes little effort (like sending out an email) and errands that may only take a few minutes can nag at you and keep getting pushed lower on your to-do list. Pick three things you’ve been putting off, I promise you it’ll feel amazing when finally getting to check them off your list.
- Out with the Old
Use this time to unload the stuff getting in your way—whether it’s clothes you never wear, kitchen gadgets gathering dust, or that drawer full of mystery cords. Clearing physical clutter has a magical way of making your brain feel less crowded, too.
And don’t forget the digital clutter. Take a moment to scroll through your phone and clear out all those blurry selfies, screenshots of stuff you no longer need, and duplicate photos from last year’s holiday frenzy. Once you’ve curated your favorites, make sure they’re safely backed up in the cloud or on an external hard drive. Trust me, future you will be very thankful when your phone doesn’t yell at you about storage.
- Plan Your Travels for the Year
Doesn’t it seem like in a blink of an eye we go from the middle of winter to the middle of summer? It always catches me off guard and if you’re like me, you don’t plan your trips enough in advance. This January is a good time to decide where you want to go and what you want to do in the next two years. Book ahead and you’re sure to save some money. Plus there’s the added psychological perk of having something to look forward to. If you ask me, part of the fun of travel is in the planning!
- Take time for true self care
Today’s over-consuming digital culture turns any trend into a need to buy more stuff. But indulging in some me time doesn’t need to mean adding in more purchases. Take more baths, book a massage or a day at a spa retreat. Spend time reading in bed or binge watching a favorite show. Spoil yourself the way you would a loved one who needs a bit of extra care.
- Embrace the uniqueness of winter
I know I tend to put a lot of energy into avoiding the cold throughout winter (is it wrong to have an electric blanket running non-stop?) But there’s alot to love about winter, especially if you come prepared with a good hat and glittens. Sure the cold steering wheel in the morning sucks and the bare trees are a bummer, but this is a good time to practice seeing the positives and finding the smaller pieces of wonder in everyday life. Put out a bird feeder, see who comes for a snack. Take a walk in the woods or on a trail. Enjoy how the cold feels on your cheeks and how the sun still warms your face. Coming home into warmth and comfort will feel all the more exquisite in contrast!